Why is H.265 not the future? The past, present and future of internet video compression

H.264 aka AVC (Advanced Video Coding) and H.265 aka HEVC ( High Efficiency Video Coding) are both video compression standards, which are used to reduce the bandwidth and storage space requirement for streaming and video storage. 

Video compression achieves this by taking advantage of redundancies and perceptual limitations in video data. For example, if parts of an image don’t change from one frame to the next, a video codec can just encode the differences rather than encoding each frame in full. 

Similarly, if there are details that the human eye can’t easily perceive, the codec can encode those details with lower fidelity to save data. Through techniques like these, video codecs can achieve substantial reductions in data usage while still delivering good visual quality.

The Past

There were many proprietary codecs before H.264, from RealVideo, Intel, Microsoft and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group). MPEG2 compression was popular during storage in the DVD age. MPEG 4 became widely used as internet streaming and usage of p2p video sharing became more popular. Remember Divx?

The H.264/AVC project was started by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) in conjunction with the MPEG. The goal was to create a standard that provided good video quality at substantially lower bit rates than previous standards (such as MPEG-2), without increasing the complexity of design so much that it would be impractical or excessively expensive to implement.

The development of H.265/HEVC was a collaboration between the ITU-T and the MPEG. The goal was to create a new standard that could provide significantly improved compression efficiency over earlier standards, particularly for higher resolution video content such as 1080p and 4K.


The initial version of the H.264 was released in May 2003 by the Joint Video Team (JVT), VCEG and MPEG. It provides good video quality and efficient compression, which has made it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from streaming video on the web to HD broadcasts on cable and satellite TV. 

The first version of H.265 was completed in April 2013. This was known as HEVC Version 1 and covered video resolutions up to 8K UHD offers more efficient compression than H.264. 

One of its main advantages of H.264 today is its broad compatibility; almost all modern devices and browsers support H.264. H.265 can deliver similar video quality at about half the bitrate, or significantly better quality at the same bitrate compared to H.264. 

This makes it a great choice for 4K video and other high-resolution formats. However, it also requires more processing power to encode and decode, which means it is not widely supported by older devices due to computing and power trade offs. 


Over the years, H.264 has been widely adopted in a range of applications. It is used in Blu-ray Discs, internet video streaming platforms (like YouTube and Netflix), web software such as the Adobe Flash Player and Microsoft Silverlight, broadcast and satellite television services, and in video conferencing solutions.

H.265/HEVC has been adopted in various applications where its increased coding efficiency can provide substantial benefits. These include 4K UHD video services, video streaming platforms like Netflix, digital storage media like Ultra HD Blu-Ray, and video conferencing tools. However, its adoption has been somewhat hampered by patent licensing issues, with different entities owning parts of the patent pool.

Browser Support

AVC (H.264)HEVC (H.265)

Source https://caniuse.com/hevc


MPEG LA’s AVC Patent Portfolio License does not charge royalties for AVC video that is sold to end-users for a fee as digital content that is downloaded (either permanently or temporarily), streamed, or otherwise delivered. For Internet broadcast of AVC video that is free to end-users (e.g., YouTube, streaming websites), the license is also royalty-free. 

HEVC incurs patent licensing fees, which can be a concern for some use cases. Firefox still does not support it for this reason. Apple however has been pushing for HEVC all the way in both Mac and mobile devices such as iPhone and iPads.


Using Handbrake we re-encoded a 20 second long video sample file originally encoded with MJPEG. 

Most professional cameras use MJEPG to compress each frame to save space while retaining high fidelity video for further processing. The result is pretty conclusive.

Input file:
Stream 0
Codec: H264 – MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
Video resolution: 1920×1080
Frame rate: 24
Color space: ITU-R BT.709 Range

FilenameSizeCodecSpace SavingsTime

Can you notice any difference in visual picture quality? Although there is not much motion between frames in this video.


The Future

Work has been ongoing on further video coding standards, like H.266/Versatile Video Coding (VVC), which was finalized in 2020 and aims to again substantially improve coding efficiency.

Meet AV1

As an alternative AV1 “AOMedia Video 1”, it is being developed by the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia), a consortium of Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Netflix, Amazon, Intel, and Cisco. It is an open, royalty-free video coding format designed for video transmissions over the Internet. 

The main objective of AV1 is to be efficient and flexible for use over a wide range of applications on the internet, including both low and high bit rates, low and high latency, as well as still and moving images. It is especially well-suited for streaming video content over the internet due to its efficient compression algorithms, which can deliver high-quality video with lower data usage.

Compared to its contemporary, H.265/HEVC, AV1 aims to provide similar if not better levels of compression efficiency, but without the associated patent licensing costs that come with H.265. This has been a major selling point for the adoption of AV1.

However Apple Devices do not support AV1 codec despite Apple being a member of the alliance. This is a major barrier for adoption of AV1. Microsoft, the contender, follows Apple’s suit with their Google Chrome forked browser called Edge.

H.265/HEVC is offering advantages over H.264 in terms of compression efficiency, especially for high-resolution content. If compatibility and reach are most important, H.264 may be the better choice. If maximizing video quality while minimizing bandwidth usage is the goal, and the target devices and platforms support it, then H.265 may be preferable. It’s also worth noting that there are other codecs like VP9 and AV1 to consider, each with its own advantages and trade-offs.

At CircleHD Enterprise Video Platform, we encode all videos with H.264 for wider compatibility across devices and browsers. We do support H.265 for specific use cases and optimizations but not solely depend on it yet. We are hopeful as standards evolve AV1 or AV2 might become one open standard free from royalties to move the industry forward.

CircleHD has been a pioneer in transforming corporate communications using a powerful video content management system and deploying user friendly Company TV. You can also check out this related article which gives information on calculating video file size accurately. If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD’s Enterprise Video Learning platform can help improve your company’s productivity,  we’d love to chat

Sales Enablement Guide: How to measure Sales training effectiveness using these core 7 KPIs

A complex task it is, to measure accurately the effectiveness of sales training programs as it involves multiple dimensions. Especially, when it comes to Sales Training, it’s the overall combination of metrics that gives a comprehensive view of the training’s impact. 

Here are a few proven ways that you can measure it:

  1. Sales Performance Metrics: The most direct way to measure effectiveness is to compare sales performance metrics before and after the training. This could include metrics like the number of sales, revenue, average deal size, conversion rates, and the sales cycle length. If there’s an improvement in any or all of these metrics after the training, it’s a clear sign that you are on the right track.
  2. Observation: Managers and supervisors can directly observe sales representatives during their sales interactions and assess whether they’re applying the techniques and skills taught during training.
  3. Assessments and Tests: Use assessments / quizzes within the training to gauge knowledge acquisition to ensure knowledge transfer through training.
  4. Feedback Surveys: Soliciting feedback from the sales team can give you a clear picture of how well the training was received, what was useful, and what areas need improvement.
  5. Employee Retention Rates: High-quality training can lead to increased job satisfaction, which in turn can reduce turnover rates. If you see a decrease in turnover following the implementation of a training program, it might be a sign that your training is effective.
  6. Individual Goal Achievement: Set individual goals related to the training for each sales rep. Monitor their progress towards these goals post-training to evaluate the effectiveness.
  7. Customer Satisfaction Scores: After your sales team has undergone training, monitor any changes in customer satisfaction. Improved interactive skills and techniques applied should lead to happier customers.

Sales Performance Metrics:

Sales Performance Metrics are quantifiable indicators that help a company assess how effective their sales team is at achieving sales targets and contributing to the overall success of the business. By tracking these metrics, companies can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement within their sales teams.

Here are some commonly tracked Sales Performance Metrics and how to measure them:

Sales Revenue: 

This is the total income from sales prior to any deductions for costs or expenses. It’s calculated by multiplying the price at which goods or services are sold by the number of units sold.

Average Deal Size: 

This is the average value of each sale. It’s calculated by dividing the total sales revenue by the number of deals closed.

Conversion Rate: 

This is the percentage of leads that are converted into actual sales. It’s calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of leads, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Sales Cycle Length: 

This is the average amount of time it takes to close a deal, from the initial contact with a potential customer to the final sale. This can be calculated by tracking each sales process’s start and end dates and determining the average duration.

Lead Response Time: 

This is the average amount of time it takes for your sales team to respond to a new lead. Quicker response times can lead to higher conversion rates.

Quota Attainment:

This metric shows what percentage of your sales team reached their sales goals within a given period. It’s calculated by dividing the number of sales reps that reached their quota by the total number of sales reps.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): 

This is the total cost of acquiring a new customer, including all marketing and sales expenses. It’s calculated by dividing the total costs associated with acquisition by the number of new customers acquired during a certain time period.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): 

This is a prediction of the net profit associated with the entire future relationship with a customer. It’s calculated based on the average purchase value, average purchase frequency, and average customer lifespan.

By regularly monitoring these sales performance metrics, a company can make informed decisions about their sales strategies, make necessary adjustments, and set realistic goals.


Observation is a practical, hands-on method of assessing sales training effectiveness. This method requires managers or supervisors to observe sales representatives in real-world situations, such as during sales calls, meetings, or client interactions.

Here are a few ways managers and supervisors can directly observe sales representatives:


This traditional method involves the manager accompanying the sales representative on a client call or visit. The manager can observe firsthand how the representative interacts with customers, presents the product or service, handles objections / situations, and closes the sale.


Similar to a ride-along, shadowing allows a manager to observe a sales representative during their day-to-day activities. This could be in a physical setting, or in a virtual setting by listening in on sales calls or video meetings.

Live Sales Meetings: 

Managers can attend sales meetings, either in person or virtually. This allows them to observe how sales reps present and sell the product, as well as their interaction with clients.

Role-playing Exercises: 

Role-playing scenarios during training sessions can provide valuable insights into a representative’s understanding and application of sales strategies and techniques.

Review Recorded Calls/Meetings: 

If your company records sales calls or video meetings (with all the required permissions), managers can review these to assess sales rep performance.

Performance Metrics Analysis: 

By observing the sales metrics of individual representatives – such as deal closure rates, sales cycle length, and customer feedback – managers can gain insights into the rep’s effectiveness in sales situations.

During these observations, managers should focus on how well the sales representative applies the skills and knowledge gained during training, their ability to handle different sales scenarios, their understanding of the product or service, and their interaction with the customer. This observational feedback should then be communicated constructively to the representative, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Assessments and tests

Assessments and tests are important tools in the sales training process to measure the effectiveness of the training and the knowledge and skills acquired by the sales team. Here’s how they can be implemented:

Knowledge Quizzes: 

After each training session or module, you can create quizzes that cover the main points of the topic. This can help reinforce learning and provide immediate feedback on how well the material was understood.

Role-play Scenarios: 

Role-playing can be an effective way to assess a salesperson’s ability to apply what they’ve learned. This could involve situations like handling objections, delivering a sales pitch, or navigating a difficult customer interaction.

Sales Simulations: 

You can use simulations to create a controlled environment where sales reps can practice and demonstrate their skills. For instance, a simulated sales call or meeting can be used to assess how well a rep can apply different sales strategies and techniques.

It’s essential to provide constructive feedback after each assessment. The goal of these assessments and tests is not just to measure knowledge and skills, but also to guide the sales reps towards continuous improvement.

Sales Performance Tasks: 

Assign tasks that reflect real-world sales challenges and measure how effectively each salesperson can complete them. This might involve creating a sales strategy for a mock product or prospect, or developing a proposal for a potential deal.

360-Degree Feedback: 

This involves gathering feedback from a variety of sources, such as peers, managers, subordinates, and even customers. This can provide a more holistic view of a salesperson’s skills and areas for improvement.

Post-Training Surveys: 

Surveys can be used to gather self-assessment data from sales reps about their confidence in applying the skills and knowledge gained from the training. This can also help identify areas where further training may be needed.

Measuring Individual goals

Setting individual goals related to training for each sales rep is a great way to measure and track training impact and their progress over time. 

Identify Key Skills and Knowledge Areas: 

Based on the content of the training program, identify the key skills and knowledge areas that each sales rep should master. These could include things like product knowledge, communication skills, negotiation techniques, or customer relationship management.

Set Specific, Measurable Goals: 

For each key skill or knowledge area, set specific, measurable goals. These should be tailored to each sales rep’s current performance level and potential for improvement. For instance, a goal could be “Increase conversion rate from 20% to 25% over the next quarter” or “Decrease average sales cycle length from 30 days to 25 days”.

Create a Progress Tracking System: 

Develop a system for tracking progress towards these goals. This could be a spreadsheet or a feature within your CRM or sales software. Regularly update this system with performance data for each sales rep.

Regular Weekly or BiWeekly Check-Ins: 

Schedule regular check-ins with each sales rep to discuss their progress towards their goals. This is a good opportunity to provide feedback, address any challenges, and adjust goals if necessary.

Recognize Achievement: 

When a sales rep achieves their goal, make sure to recognize and celebrate their achievement. This can boost motivation and morale.

Review and Refine: 

At the end of the training period, review the progress towards each goal and use this information to refine your training program. If certain goals were not met, it may indicate that additional training or support is needed in those areas.

The purpose of setting these individual goals is not only to measure the effectiveness of the training, but also to encourage continuous learning and improvement among your sales reps.

Tracking Customer Satisfaction Scores

Customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) are a popular metric for understanding how satisfied customers are with your product, service, or a specific interaction. These can provide valuable feedback on how well your sales team is performing post-training.

Here are some ways to measure customer satisfaction scores:


After an interaction with a sales representative (e.g., a purchase, customer support call, or an inquiry), send a follow-up survey to the customer. This could be a simple one-question survey asking, “How satisfied were you with your experience?” with a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

Net Promoter Score (NPS): 

This is another common metric that asks customers to rate on a scale of 0-10 how likely they are to recommend your company or product to others. Customers giving a score of 9-10 are considered promoters, 7-8 are passives, and 0-6 are detractors. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Customer Effort Score (CES): 

This measures how much effort a customer has to put in to interact with your company or product. For instance, after a customer interaction, you could ask, “How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?” on a scale from 1 (very low effort) to 5 (very high effort). Lower scores are better in this case.

Feedback Forms: 

These can be placed on your website or sent via email, allowing customers to provide feedback about their experience.

Social Media Monitoring: 

Monitor your social media channels for unsolicited feedback or comments from customers. This can provide insights into their overall satisfaction.

After implementing the sales training, you would monitor these metrics to see if there are improvements in customer satisfaction, which can indicate that the training was successful. It’s important to note that while these scores provide valuable insights, they are just one piece of the puzzle. They should be used in conjunction with other sales performance metrics to give a complete picture of your sales training effectiveness.

Here’s how to measure employee retention rates:

Employee retention rates are a key metric to measure the stability of your sales team and can also indicate the effectiveness of your training programs. A high employee turnover can be costly, while a high retention rate often indicates job satisfaction and effective training programs.

Calculate the Retention Rate: 

The basic formula to calculate the employee retention rate is:

(Number of individual sales reps who remained employed for the entire period / Number of sales reps at the start of the period) * 100

For example, if you started the year with 50 sales reps and 45 of them are still with you at the end of the year, your annual retention rate would be (45/50)*100 = 90%.

Track Over Time: 

Employee retention should be tracked over time to identify any trends. For example, you might track it annually, quarterly, or monthly, depending on your needs. If you notice a decrease in your retention rate over time, this might indicate a problem that needs to be addressed.

Segment by Team or Role: 

You might also consider segmenting your retention rate by team or role. For example, you might calculate separate retention rates for your inside sales team, your field sales team, and your sales management team.

Compare Before and After Training: 

If you want to measure the impact of a specific training program on employee retention, you could compare the retention rate for a period before the training to the retention rate for a period after the training. If the retention rate increased after the training, this could indicate that the training had a positive impact.

Remember, while a high employee retention rate is generally a good sign, it’s also important to consider other factors, such as employee performance and productivity. A high retention rate is not beneficial if it’s due to retaining low-performing employees. Therefore, it’s best to use the retention rate in conjunction with other sales performance metrics to get a more complete picture of your team’s performance.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD’s Enterprise Video Learning platform can help improve your Sales Training,  we’d love to chat

Secure Live Streaming and Enterprise Webinars for Employee and Internal Use

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, staying connected and informed is essential for the success of any organization. Enterprise live streaming and webinars offer a powerful, interactive way for businesses to engage with their employees, streamline communication, and enhance collaboration. 

By leveraging Live streaming and Enterprise Webinar for internal use, companies can harness the benefits of modern technology to foster a more connected and productive workforce. In this article, we will explore the use cases and benefits.

Use Cases:

Training and Onboarding

One of the most common use cases for enterprise live streaming and webinars is for training and onboarding new employees. These platforms offer a convenient, cost-effective, and efficient way to deliver training content to employees, regardless of their physical location. Live streaming enables trainers to conduct real-time sessions, while webinars provide an opportunity for employees to revisit the content at a later date, ensuring everyone has access to the same information.

Company Announcements and Updates

Keeping employees up to date on company news and developments is crucial for maintaining a strong corporate culture. Live streaming and webinars offer a platform for executives and managers to deliver important announcements, share updates, and discuss changes in the company’s strategy, all while engaging with employees through Q&A sessions and interactive polls.

Virtual Town Hall Meetings

Town hall meetings are a valuable way for employees to voice their concerns, ask questions, and discuss ideas with company leadership. By hosting virtual town hall meetings through live streaming and webinars, companies can ensure that all employees have an opportunity to participate and engage with the leadership team, regardless of their location.

Collaboration and Team Building

Live streaming and webinars can also be used to promote collaboration and team building among remote or distributed teams. By hosting virtual workshops, brainstorming sessions, or project updates, employees can work together and build rapport, even when they’re not physically in the same location.


Cost Savings

One of the most significant benefits of using live streaming and webinars for internal communication is the cost savings. With no need to cover travel, accommodation, or venue expenses, companies can allocate resources to other areas of their business.

Increased Employee Engagement

Live streaming and webinars promote a culture of open communication, giving employees the opportunity to actively engage with company leadership and their peers. This increased engagement can lead to higher job satisfaction, improved morale, and better overall retention rates.

Time Efficiency

By delivering content through live streaming and webinars, companies can ensure that employees receive the necessary information in a timely manner. This can help streamline workflows and reduce time spent on redundant meetings and presentations.

Scalability and Flexibility

Enterprise live streaming and webinars offer a scalable and flexible solution for organizations of all sizes. As a company grows, it can easily expand its streaming capabilities to accommodate more viewers and cover additional topics, ensuring that all employees remain informed and engaged.


In an era where data breaches and cybersecurity threats are on the rise, ensuring secure enterprise live streaming is crucial for protecting sensitive company information and maintaining the privacy of employee communications. In this article, we will explore the best practices and key considerations for implementing a secure live streaming solution, exclusively for employees within your organization.

Also keep in mind that security comes in layers. Implement one or more of the following techniques discussed below to secure your internal broadcast from prying eyes.  

Choose a Secure Live Streaming Platform

When selecting an enterprise live streaming platform, prioritize security features and ensure that the provider has a solid reputation for protecting user data. Look for platforms that offer end-to-end encryption, password protection, and single sign-on (SSO) integration with your company’s existing identity management system.

Use a VPN or Private Network

To ensure the privacy of your live streaming sessions, use a virtual private network (VPN) or a private network to encrypt your internet connection. This will help prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data transmitted during the live stream.

Implement Access Control

Restrict access to your live streaming events by implementing access control measures. This can include using unique access codes, requiring user authentication, or integrating with your organization’s SSO system. Access control measures help ensure that only authorized employees can view the live stream.

Utilize Password Protection

Password-protecting your live streaming events adds an additional layer of security. Require employees to enter a secure, unique password before gaining access to the live stream. Update passwords regularly to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

Monitor and Moderate the Live Stream

Assign moderators to monitor the live stream, ensuring that only appropriate content is shared and that employees adhere to your organization’s guidelines for conduct. Moderators can also help manage interactive features, such as Q&A sessions and chat rooms, to prevent the sharing of sensitive information.

Implement Secure Storage for Recorded Sessions

If you plan to record live streaming sessions for later viewing, ensure that the recorded content is securely stored. Use encrypted storage solutions and restrict access to the recordings using the same access control measures implemented for live events.

Train Employees on Security Best Practices

Educate your employees about the importance of maintaining security during live streaming events. Provide them with guidelines on secure login practices, password management, and how to report suspicious activity or potential security threats.

Regularly Review and Update Security Measures

Continuously evaluate your live streaming security measures and update them as needed to stay ahead of emerging threats. Conduct regular security audits and stay informed about the latest developments in cybersecurity to ensure your organization is protected.

As organizations continue to adapt to the evolving landscape of remote and distributed work, enterprise live streaming and webinars offer a reliable solution for maintaining strong internal communication and fostering employee engagement. By leveraging these tools, companies can enhance collaboration, increase efficiency, and ultimately drive success in today’s competitive business environment.

Secure enterprise live streaming is essential for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of employee communications. By implementing strong security measures and best practices, organizations can reap the benefits of live streaming while safeguarding sensitive data and protecting employee privacy. With the right combination of technology and security protocols, companies can confidently leverage live streaming as a powerful tool for communication and collaboration within their workforce.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD’s Enterprise Video Management and Learning platform can help you engage with your employees better,  we’d love to chat

Understanding HLS: HTTP Live Streaming and Its Encryption Features for Enterprise use


HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is a popular adaptive bitrate streaming protocol developed by Apple Inc. It is widely used to deliver high-quality media content over the internet in real-time, enabling seamless streaming of live events and video-on-demand (VOD) services. This article will provide an overview of how HLS works and explore the security features available to protect your content, including encryption methods and DRM (Digital Rights Management). 

It is important to note that HLS is one of the most widely adopted streaming protocols globally, but stands out from the other similar technologies such as RTMP, RTSP and MPEG-DASH because of its simplicity and stronger adoption on mobile platforms, specifically iOS and Apple devices. Its popularity can be attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Device compatibility: HLS is natively supported on a wide range of devices, including iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows platforms. This broad support increases its adoption by streaming service providers, as it ensures a seamless experience for viewers across various devices.
  2. Adaptive bitrate streaming: HLS’s ability to adapt to different network conditions and device capabilities makes it a preferred choice for delivering high-quality content over the internet. This feature ensures smooth and uninterrupted streaming experiences for viewers.
  3. Content protection: HLS’s built-in encryption features enable content creators and service providers to secure their media and prevent unauthorized access. This is crucial for premium and copyrighted content.
  4. Scalability: HLS is designed to work well with content delivery networks (CDNs), enabling efficient and scalable delivery of media to a large number of viewers worldwide.

Support of HLS in Web browsers

Support of HLS in web browsers is generally good. Most major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, support HLS natively. This means that you can play HLS streams in these browsers without having to install any additional plugins or extensions.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, Internet Explorer does not support HLS natively. However, there are a number of third-party plugins that can be used to add HLS support to Internet Explorer.

Overall, the state of native support of HLS in web browsers is good. If you want to play HLS streams in your web browser, you should be able to do so without any problems.

Here is a table of native HLS support in major web browsers:

Chrome4 and upYes
Firefox2 and upYes
Safari3.2 and upYes
Edge12 and upYes
Internet ExplorerNo (requires third-party plugin)

HLS Workflow: How it Works

  1. Media segmentation: The source media file is broken down into smaller chunks, usually ranging from 2 to 10 seconds each. These segments are typically encoded in the H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec for compatibility with a wide range of devices.
  2. Creating multiple bitrate versions: To accommodate varying network conditions and device capabilities, the media is encoded at different bitrates. This allows the client to choose the best quality stream based on its current bandwidth and performance.
  3. Generating playlists: For each bitrate version, a Media Playlist (M3U8 file) is created. This file contains the URIs of the media segments and additional metadata, such as segment duration and sequence numbers. A Master Playlist is also generated, which lists all the available Media Playlists and their respective bandwidths, resolutions, and codecs.
  4. Content delivery: The media segments and playlists are hosted on a web server or content delivery network (CDN), allowing clients to access and download the content using standard HTTP requests.
  5. Adaptive streaming: The client starts by requesting the Master Playlist to determine the best Media Playlist based on its current network conditions and device capabilities. The client then downloads and plays the media segments sequentially. During playback, the client continuously monitors its performance and adjusts the selected bitrate accordingly, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience.

HLS Encryption for Content Security

To protect copyrighted content and prevent unauthorized access, HLS provides an encryption feature that secures the media segments using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The encryption process follows these steps:

  1. Key generation: A unique encryption key (a 128-bit or 256-bit AES key) is generated for each piece of content. This key will be used to encrypt and decrypt the media segments.
  2. Media encryption: Each media segment is encrypted using the AES encryption algorithm and the generated key. The encrypted segments are then saved on the web server or CDN.
  3. Key distribution: The encryption key must be securely distributed to authorized clients. This can be done using various methods, such as:
    a. Storing the key on a separate server and securing it with authentication and access control mechanisms. b. Transmitting the key over a secure channel, such as HTTPS or a secure token-based system.
  4. Updating playlists: The Media Playlists are updated to include a reference to the key, which is required for decryption. This reference is typically a URI pointing to the key’s location on the key server.
  5. Client-side decryption: Authorized clients fetch the encryption key and use it to decrypt the downloaded media segments during playback.

How to create HLS Content? (Technical details)

Hosting HLS content involves preparing the media files and setting up a web server or content delivery network (CDN) to serve those files to viewers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to host your HLS content:

  1. Prepare your HLS content:

Use a video processing tool like FFmpeg to convert your video into HLS format. This involves segmenting the video into small chunks (.ts files) and creating playlists (.m3u8 files) that reference those chunks. You can create single or multi-bitrate streams depending on your requirements.

In this example we use ffmpeg ( a powerful, open-source multimedia processing tool )that can be used to create HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) content. The following is a basic command-line reference for using FFmpeg to generate an HLS stream. Please note that you may need to modify the commands to suit your specific requirements and input formats.

  1. Single bitrate HLS stream:

To create a single bitrate HLS stream, use the following command:


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac -map 0 -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename “output_%03d.ts” output.m3u8

In this command:

-i input.mp4: Specifies the input file (replace input.mp4 with your source video file)

-codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac: Sets the video codec to H.264 and the audio codec to AAC

-map 0: Includes all streams from the input file

-f hls: Specifies the output format as HLS

-hls_time 4: Sets the duration of each HLS segment to 4 seconds (you can adjust this value as needed)

-hls_list_size 0: Generates an unlimited HLS playlist (set to a specific number for a limited playlist)

-hls_segment_filename “output_%03d.ts”: Sets the naming format for the HLS segments (replace output with your desired prefix)

output.m3u8: Specifies the output playlist file (replace output.m3u8 with your desired playlist name)

  1. Multi-bitrate HLS stream:

Multi-bitrate HLS stream


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0 -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac -s:v:0 1280×720 -b:v:0 3000k -s:v:1 854×480 -b:v:1 1500k -s:v:2 640×360 -b:v:2 800k -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename “output_%v/output_%03d.ts” -var_stream_map “v:0,a:0 v:1,a:0 v:2,a:0” output.m3u8

In this command:

-s:v:0 1280×720 -b:v:0 3000k: Sets the resolution and bitrate for the first video stream (720p)

-s:v:1 854×480 -b:v:1 1500k: Sets the resolution and bitrate for the second video stream (480p)

-s:v:2 640×360 -b:v:2 800k: Sets the resolution and bitrate for the third video stream (360p)

-hls_segment_filename “output_%v/output_%03d.ts”: Sets the naming format for the HLS segments per bitrate version (replace output with your desired prefix)

-var_stream_map “v:0,a:0 v:1,a:0 v:2,a:0”: Maps the video and audio streams for each bitrate version (update this according to the number of bitrate versions you create)

These commands will generate the necessary HLS segments and playlists. Once generated, you can host them on a web server or content delivery network (CDN) for streaming.

Remember that FFmpeg provides a vast array of options for customizing your HLS stream. You can refer to the official FFmpeg documentation for more

  1. Choose a hosting solution:

There are two main options for hosting HLS content:

a. Web server: You can host HLS content on a web server like Nginx or Apache. This option is suitable for small-scale streaming with limited viewers or for testing purposes. For larger audiences, consider using a CDN.

b. Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers distributed across multiple geographical locations, which caches and delivers your content to viewers efficiently. CDNs are recommended for hosting HLS content, as they provide faster load times, lower latency, and better performance, especially for large-scale streaming.

  1. Test your HLS stream:

Once your HLS content is hosted, test the stream by accessing the playlist URL in an HLS-capable player. This can be a web-based player like hls.js or video.js, or standalone players like VLC and Safari. Verify that the stream plays smoothly and adapts to different network conditions.

By following these steps, you can host your HLS content and ensure a smooth streaming experience for your viewers.


HLS is a widely adopted streaming protocol that ensures a smooth and high-quality streaming experience for viewers. By utilizing adaptive bitrate streaming and offering encryption features, HLS provides a flexible and secure solution for delivering live and on-demand content over the internet. As a content creator or service provider, understanding the inner workings of HLS and its security features will help you make informed decisions on how to protect and distribute your valuable media content.

CircleHD Enterprise Video Platfrom supports HLS transcoding and takes care of video security including access control management and analytics out of the box. so your team can focus on the growing use case of video adoption. To request a demo, please contact us here.

Sales Enablement using Video

Sales enablement is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after capabilities for businesses looking to increase their revenue and sales productivity. Sales enablement is a comprehensive approach to helping sales teams succeed. It involves providing sales reps with the tools, resources, and training they need to effectively engage prospects and customers, close deals, and increase sales.

Sales enablement is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different companies have different needs and objectives when it comes to sales. Companies must develop an effective sales enablement strategy that aligns with their overall business objectives and sales goals.

Sales enablement begins with a well-defined strategy that outlines the company’s sales goals and objectives. This strategy should be supported by an effective sales process that outlines the activities, resources, and tools needed to achieve those goals.

Once the strategy and process are in place, sales enablement teams can begin to develop the resources and tools needed to support the sales process. This includes content such as sales presentations, case studies, white papers, and more. It also includes training materials and tools to help sales reps stay up to date on the latest industry trends and best practices.

Sales enablement also includes a variety of technologies and solutions that can help sales teams maximize their productivity and effectiveness. Solutions such as customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, sales automation tools, and analytics solutions can all help sales teams streamline their processes, increase their efficiency, and drive more sales.

Finally, sales enablement should also include a focus on sales coaching and development. Sales reps need to be trained not only on the tools and resources available to them, but also on how to effectively use those tools and resources to engage prospects and close deals. Sales reps should also be coached on how to best manage their time and prioritize their activities.

What are some of the benefits of sales training for sales enablement managers?

1. Improved sales performance: Sales training helps sales enablement managers to understand how to effectively drive sales performance. By understanding the latest sales techniques, best practices and strategies, sales enablement managers can help their sales teams to close more deals and increase sales.

2. Improved customer satisfaction: Sales training helps sales enablement managers to understand how to build relationships with customers and develop trust. By understanding customer needs and providing solutions that meet their needs, sales enablement managers can help their sales teams to provide better customer service and build long-term customer relationships.

3. Increased sales team morale: Sales training provides sales enablement managers with the skills to motivate, inspire and support their sales teams. By providing ongoing training, sales enablement managers can help their sales teams to stay motivated and engaged in their work and increase their morale.

4. Increased sales team productivity: Sales training helps sales enablement managers to understand how to maximize the productivity of their sales teams. By understanding the latest technologies and processes, sales enablement managers can help their sales teams to quickly and accurately process orders and close deals more efficiently.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD can help support your training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.

How is Sales Training different from Compliance Training?

Sales training focuses on developing sales strategies and techniques to increase sales and customer satisfaction, while HR compliance training focuses on teaching employees the laws and regulations related to the workplace, such as labor laws, safety regulations, and anti-discrimination laws. Sales training helps employees understand how to effectively market a product or service and create successful relationships with customers, while HR compliance training helps employees understand how to adhere to workplace policies and regulations.

Sales enablement can use a purpose built LMS such as Trueramp for training reps. An LMS, or Learning Management System, is a platform which allows organizations to create, manage, and track training materials for their sales employees. By using an LMS, sales reps can view and complete training materials at their own pace, and managers can track their progress and performance. In addition, an LMS can also be used to provide sales reps with additional resources and information, as well as to monitor their progress and success.

The best person to lead the training for sales teams is someone who has extensive sales experience and a deep understanding of the product or service being sold. This type of person will be able to provide the most effective insight and guidance to the sales team. They should also have excellent communication skills, be able to motivate and inspire the team, and be an expert on the product or service being sold. The sales trainer should also be able to adjust their teaching style to the different learning styles of the team.

By implementing an effective sales enablement strategy, companies can drive more sales, increase their sales productivity, and maximize their revenue. With the right resources, tools, and training, sales reps can better engage prospects, close deals faster, and increase their sales success.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD can help support your training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.

6 Tips to Transform Performance & Boost ROI with Video

Video has become an essential part of digital marketing and is becoming increasingly popular with businesses of all sizes. It’s a powerful tool for improving performance and boosting ROI, but it can be difficult to get the most out of your video campaigns. Here are six tips to help you transform your performance and boost ROI with video marketing.

1. Focus on Quality. Quality is one of the most important factors when it comes to video production. Investing in quality equipment and production will ensure that your videos look professional and are engaging for viewers. Investing in quality video production will also help you to stand out from the competition.

2. Make Use of Analytics. Analytics are essential for measuring the success of your video campaigns. You can use analytics to track the performance of your videos and make sure that you are getting the most out of your campaigns.

3. Optimize for Search Engines. SEO is an important part of video marketing. Make sure that you are optimizing your videos for search engines, so that they can be easily found by potential customers.

4. Utilize Social Media. Social media is a great way to spread the word about your videos and increase engagement. Use social media to promote your videos, and encourage viewers to share them with their friends and followers.

5. Incorporate Video into Your Website. Video should be an integral part of your website. Embed videos into your website to engage visitors and increase conversions.

6. Invest in Professional Services. Investing in professional video production services will ensure that you are getting the most out of your video campaigns. Professional video production services can help you create high-quality videos that will engage viewers and improve your ROI.

These are just a few tips for transforming your performance and boosting ROI with video marketing. By following these tips, you can ensure that your video campaigns are successful and that you are getting the most out of your investment.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD can help support your training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.

Democratization of learning at work

The rise of the internet and mobile technologies has led to a democratization of learning at work. With more and more employees working remotely or in different time zones, traditional learning models are no longer feasible. Video is an ideal solution for this problem, as it can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

There are a number of advantages to using video for learning at work. First, it is a very engaging format that can hold attention better than text or audio. Second, it can be easily paused and rewatched, which is perfect for employees who need to learn at their own pace. Third, video can be easily shared, so employees can learn from each other as well as from experts.

How can employees use videos to learn at work from peer to peer?

There are a few things to keep in mind when using video for learning at work. First, make sure the videos are high quality and professional. Second, ensure that the videos are properly captioned so that employees can follow along. Third, consider using video quizzes or surveys to gauge employee understanding.

When used correctly, video can be a powerful tool for on the job learning. By following these tips, you can create videos that employees will watch and that will help them learn new skills and improve their performance.

This video is an excellent resource for sales training. It covers the basics of selling, including customer service, product knowledge, and sales techniques. It also provides helpful tips on how to close a sale and handle objections.

Video for employee onboarding

This employee onboarding video will help your new hires learn about your company culture, values, and expectations. It will also introduce them to their fellow employees and give them a chance to get to know the company better.

When it comes to employee onboarding, there are a lot of different methods that companies use in order to help new hires acclimate to their new roles. Some companies opt for more traditional methods, such as in-person meetings and orientations, while others are starting to use more modern approaches, such as online learning platforms and video conferencing.

There are a lot of advantages to using video for employee onboarding. For one, it’s a great way to connect with remote employees who may not be able to come into the office for an in-person meeting. Additionally, video is a great way to deliver a lot of information in a short amount of time. And, lastly, it’s a great way to create a more engaging and interactive experience for new hires.

If you’re thinking about using video for employee onboarding, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to make sure that the video is high-quality and professional. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the video is clear and concise, and that it covers all of the important information that new hires need to know. Finally, you’ll want to consider using video as just one part of a larger employee onboarding strategy, and not the only method.

Peer to peer learning

There are a few ways employees can use videos to learn at work from peer to peer. One way is to create a video library of how-to videos that employees can access when they need help with a task. Another way is to use video conferencing to connect employees in different locations so they can collaborate on projects or share knowledge. Finally, employees can use video chat to connect with remote co-workers or customers.

If you’re looking for a modern and effective way to onboard new employees, video is a great option to consider.

Remote work

There are many ways to collaborate remotely, and one way to do so is by using video. This can be done through video conferencing, video chat, or even just by sharing a video of what you’re working on. This can be a great way to stay connected with team members and to get work done more efficiently.

Hackathon / Engagement / collaboration/ ideation

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a video demo for an employee hackathon. First, make sure to keep the video under two minutes. This will help to keep your audience engaged and ensure that your message is clear. Second, focus on demonstrating how your idea can be used to solve a real-world problem. This will help to show how your idea can be impactful and useful for employees. Finally, be sure to end your video with a call to action, such as encouraging employees to participate in the hackathon.

Video can be a powerful tool for on the job learning. When used effectively, it can help employees learn new skills, retain information and improve performance. Here are some tips for using video for on the job learning:

1. Make it engaging: Use engaging visuals and audio to keep employees engaged.

2. Keep it short: Videos should be short and to the point. Employees are more likely to watch and retain information from a short video than a long one.

3. Use multiple examples: Use multiple examples to illustrate a concept. This will help employees better understand and remember the information.

4. Use real-life scenarios: Use real-life scenarios to show employees how the skills they are learning can be applied in the workplace.

5. Provide follow-up: Provide employees with follow-up activities or resources to reinforce what they have learned.

Overall, video is a great way to democratize learning at work. It is engaging, flexible, and easy to share. When used properly, it can help employees learn at their own pace and improve their understanding of complex concepts.

CircleHD offers cloud-based Enterprise learning and engagement solutions that enables businesses to create and share engaging all types of content. Wizy, is one of the products under CircleHD, that has helped businesses to connect with their audiences through video, media, documents along with an engaging and interactive learning experience.

With Wizy, you can

  • Create, edit, and share videos, medias
  • Manage, distribute, and measure the impact of your video, media content
  • Easily find and reuse medias
  • Integrate videos, medias into your existing L&D programs

If you’d like to learn more about how Wizy can help support your training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.

OSHA guidelines for protecting returning employees from COVID-19

Many employers have asked employees to return to work. As the COVID-19 pandemic still continues to evolve, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a new mandate for employers. The COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) requires employers to take steps to protect and minimize the impact to workers from exposure to the virus. This is a general summary of guidelines that should not be considered as medical advice.

The ETS includes provisions for engineering and administrative controls, personal protective equipment, and medical surveillance. Employers must also develop and implement a written COVID-19 exposure control plan.

The ETS is effective immediately and will remain in effect until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. OSHA will continue to monitor the situation and update the ETS as necessary.

The guidelines for employers to develop and implement an effective COVID-19 exposure control plan are as follows:

1. Assess the workplace and identify potential sources of exposure to COVID-19.

2. Identify and implement engineering and administrative controls to minimize exposure.

3. Implement personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines.

4. Establish and maintain a respiratory protection program.

5. Implement work practice and hygiene controls.

6. Educate and train employees on the exposure control plan.

7. Monitor compliance with the exposure control plan.

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of the exposure control plan and make modifications as needed.

Here are some most frequently asked questions

1.Is COVID-19 vaccine mandatory by OSHA. Since when and how to enforce it?

There is no federal mandate from OSHA (as of January 2023) requiring employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19.  However, some states and localities have adopted their own mandates. Employers may require employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment.

Note: The influenza vaccine has been mandatory by OSHA since 1980. The vaccine must be administered annually.

2. What is OSHA doing to protect workers from exposure to COVID-19?

There is currently no specific OSHA standard for protecting workers from exposure to COVID-19. However, OSHA’s existing personal protective equipment (PPE) standards require employers to provide workers with PPE to protect them from workplace hazards, such as respiratory infections. In addition, OSHA has published guidance on protecting workers from exposure to COVID-19, which recommends that employers take steps to protect workers from exposure, such as implementing engineering and administrative controls, providing PPE, and establishing and maintaining a respiratory protection program.

3. What are the guidelines for employers to protect their workers from COVID-19?

There are many guidelines employers can follow to protect their workers from COVID-19. Some of these guidelines include:

-Encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick

-Encouraging workers to wash their hands often

-Encouraging workers to avoid touching their face

-Encouraging workers to cough or sneeze into their elbow

-Encouraging workers to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

-Providing workers with personal protective equipment (PPE)

-Encouraging workers to practice social distancing

4. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

This is a developing topic due to the mutating nature of the virus and new variants continue to evolve. Best to redirect employees to official recommendations from CDC here

5. What should workers do if they think they have been exposed to COVID-19?

Best to redirect employees to call the medical provider for any symptoms that are severe or concerning.

6. What should employers do if they have workers who have been exposed to COVID-19?

If employers have workers who have been exposed to COVID-19, they should have them self-isolate and get tested for the virus. Follow CDC guidelines and seek attention from the medical provider.

7. What are the guidelines for employers to clean and disinfect their workplaces? What are the guidelines for workers to protect themselves from COVID-19?

The CDC has released a series of guidelines for employers to clean and disinfect their workplaces. The guidelines include:

1. Identifying and cleaning high-touch surfaces regularly.

2. Encouraging employees to clean their workstations and equipment.

3. Providing employees with the proper cleaning supplies.

4. Implementing proper ventilation in the workplace.

5. Monitoring employee health and providing prompt medical attention if needed.

8. What are the guidelines for workers to protect themselves from COVID-19?

9. What are the guidelines for employers to provide personal protective equipment to their workers?

OSHA requires employers to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to their workers if the workers are exposed to hazards that could cause injury or death. PPE includes items such as gloves, safety glasses, and earplugs

10. What are the guidelines for employers to conduct health and safety training for their workers?

OSHA has established guidelines for employers to conduct health and safety training for their workers. The guidelines include the following topics:

• Health and safety hazards in the workplace

• Safe work practices

• Personal protective equipment

• Emergency procedures

The guidelines for employers to develop and implement an effective COVID-19 exposure control plan

The first step is to create or update your exposure control plan. This should include a list of all job tasks and corresponding exposure risks. Once you have identified the tasks and risks, you need to determine how to eliminate or minimize the exposure. This may include implementing engineering controls, work practice controls, and personal protective equipment. Once you have determined the controls, you need to train your employees on how to properly use them.

Educate and train employees on how to properly use personal protective equipment

Educate and train employees on how to safely work with and around bloodborne pathogens and how to clean up.

Educate and train employees on how to safely dispose of contaminated materials

Educate and train employees on how to safely handle and dispose of needles and sharps

Educate and train employees on the importance of getting vaccinated against hepatitis B

Educate and train employees on the importance of reporting any exposure to bloodborne pathogens

Educate and train employees on the importance of following the exposure control plan.

There is no proven method to effectively train employees about COVID-19 prevention. The commonly used measures include using clear and concise communication, providing employees with opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback, and using a variety of training methods (such as online resources, in-person training, and hands-on demonstrations) to cater to different learning styles.

We wish you and your employees a very happy new year and look forward to having a successful return to work. If are looking for a platform to train employees, please checkout CircleHD.com

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD can help support your training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.

Post Pandemic Learning Engagement Roadmap for 2023 and beyond.

When the pandemic first hit, many organizations were scrambling to figure out how to keep their employees learning and developing despite the disruptions. Many turned to online videos as a way to keep employees engaged in learning.

Now that we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to take a look at how we can learn and develop in the post-pandemic world. Here are a few ideas:

1. Use videos to deliver just-in-time training.

In the past, employees might have been sent to off-site training courses that were expensive and time-consuming. With videos, you can provide employees with training on demand, whenever they need it. This is especially helpful for employees who are working remotely.

2. Create microlearning videos.

With attention spans shorter than ever, it’s important to keep learning videos short and to the point. Microlearning videos are a great way to do this. They can be used to deliver bite-sized pieces of information that employees can easily digest.

3. Make use of video analytics.

With video analytics, you can track who is watching your videos and how long they are watching for. This information can be used to improve the content of your videos and ensure that employees are getting the most out of them.

4. Use videos to promote social learning.

Videos can be used to facilitate social learning, which is when employees learn from each other. This can be done by creating videos that show employees working together to solve problems or by sharing video testimonials from employees about their experiences with a certain product or service.

5. Use videos to create a learning community.

A learning community is a group of employees who share a common interest in learning. You can use videos to create a learning community by sharing videos that employees can discuss and provide feedback on. This is a great way to create an environment where employees can learn from and support each other.

CircleHD is the perfect enterprise video learning platform for businesses who want to provide their employees with the best possible learning and development opportunities. Our platform is easy to use and provides access to a wide range of video content that can be used for training, development, and education purposes. We also offer a variety of features that make our platform the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes.

If you’d like to learn more about how CircleHD can help support your sales training and team enablement efforts, we’d love to speak with you. Get in touch here.