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Accessibility and Video Playback at Enterprise

Accessibility is for everybody, not just for the people with a disability.

But a large section of the population is disabled in some way; in the UK alone at least 11 million people – over 15% of population has some form of impairment. The level of online effectiveness and satisfaction experienced by people with disabilities is significantly lowered when the needs of these users are not taken into account. It is estimated that at least 80% of sites fail to meet minimum requirements for accessibility .

When choosing how to deliver your video, it is important to consider options that are fully accessible. Whether you are delivering content for training or communicating internal messages, the following questions should be answered about the available options:

CircleHD’s video player is designed after PayPal’s accessible HTML5 player. It supports Closed captioning as well as keyboard and mouse accessible.

If you are building solutions, you can learn more about HTML5 video support for close captioning and accessibility from Google talk below. Today we support closed captioning both in srt and webvtt format. Less work for you, as we take care of the conversation of the formats, so you can focus on creating great content for your employees.

Want to Try it today! Ask for a free trial with CircleHD

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